Group Meeting June 2, 2015

1. Terms of use statement

The group discussed and reviewed a terms of use statement that been drafted by Bob and John for the Morningside Heights Digital History (MHDH) project site. One minor emendation was agreed upon. John and Bob will next send the statement to Rina Panatalony, Director of our Copyright Advisory Office, for review.

2. Checklist of things that need to happen prior to launch date:

  • Our proposed domain name needs to be approved
  • Our project site needs to be brought into compliance with Columbia University Libraries/Information Services style guidelines (some work from our Development Team will be needed here because this involves adding code)
  • Individuals need to complete their exhibits
  • Interactive map needs to be constructed for site home page (Alex will do this)
  • Site needs to be moved to Columbia University Libraries’ server (contingent upon first two points above)
  • A posting should be done to dh+lib, the ACRL Digital Humanities blog, in July, announcing the June 30 launch of site

3. Questions from group

A future agenda item was identified. At next meeting the editorial team should reopen discussion of metadata standards with group, now that group members have had more time to work with those standards. The group agreed to stick with the June 30 launch date for site. We agreed that a bibliography for the individual exhibits or for the site as a whole would not be required for the launch. The appropriate sources will be covered in footnotes.

John L. Tofanelli

Author: John L. Tofanelli

John is Columbia’s Librarian for British and American History and Literature. His research interests include literature and religion in 18th- and 19th- century Great Britain, textual criticism, and book history. He has enjoyed the chance to explore the early architectural history of the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine.