PHP intro - four things

The PHP intro was great. It’s exciting to begin to dig into the code!

Four things I took away from this session:

  • PHP runs on the server, and can generate HTML/CSS/JS to feed back to the page in the browser

  • calculations and conditional operations are possible

  • PHP code is embedded within an HTML document, between the tags

  • there is a proprietary equivalent from Microsoft, which you can see in pages ending in .asp

Nick Patterson

Author: Nick Patterson

I’m a music librarian in the Music & Arts Library, and also manage the Digital Music Lab there. I am a graduate in Composition from New England Conservatory, and still active as a composer. I have strong interests in the intersection of music and technology, the history of electronic music, and sound in the digital humanities. New York’s, and Columbia’s, musical riches mean that I will probably never leave this city. I’ll be looking at the impact of the development of the subway on Morningside Heights (and trying to include recordings of screeching trains!)